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Four reasons to support One Eighty

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

We get it. There are hundreds of churches, charities and people doing lots of good work around you. So why should you choose to support One Eighty among the hundreds of other options?

In a nutshell, here are four reasons:

1) Because your resources go to people in your town. You are helping people right here in the QC region to recover from crisis, poverty and addiction.

2) Because you're serving "the least of these" - people who are truly out of options and without hope in your community. If you take seriously Jesus' command to care for those who are hungry, strangers, naked, sick and in prison (Matthew 25:40), you can't get any closer to them than at One Eighty.

Forty of the people we've served this year were homeless and sleeping on the streets in the last year. Most arrive with only the clothes on their backs. All are sick with substance use disorder. And most have spent months - or years - behind bars. Because they arrive with a host of needs but very few resources, we provide our services free of charge. That allows anyone from any station in life to have the hope of recovery and a different tomorrow.

3) Because you're giving comprehensive, long-term care. When someone has used drugs and alcohol for decades, a 30-day stint in a treatment facility is rarely enough. They need someone to walk with them for the long-haul. And they need more than some time to decompress - they need to completely change their thought patterns, habits, and social networks. That's why we provide a 14-month residential recovery AND a lifetime of support and community as a One Eighty alum. Our comprehensive approach addresses physical health, mental wellness, Biblical discipleship, life skills training, and career development. This comprehensive approach means that 60% of those entering our program graduate (compared to 40% which is the norm) and 90% of our graduates are able to maintain a job and avoid returning to a lifestyle of addiction.

4) Because you are sharing the love and hope of Christ. We offer a lot of support, tools, and opportunities to people who walk through our doors. But the best thing we offer them is the chance to encounter a life of hope in Christ in the context of a loving community of His people. It's something most of them have never experienced before. And it tears down walls and builds new futures unlike anything else.

We are excited about what God is doing in the people we serve - and we want you to be a part of it. We invite you to give to One Eighty today. There's never any pressure. Just a simple invitation to UNWRAP FREEDOM with a one-time gift. Or have an even greater impact by becoming a monthly Pivot Partner. Whatever you decide, please know how grateful we are for you!

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